Running for weight loss
Hey fitness friends. I recently purchase a health and fitness content package which was mostly a waste of money. The majority of the articles suck, but i decided to share a few with you that I thought was good enough to post. Running for Weight Loss When some people decide that they want to lose weight, they join a diet program. Others sign up for aerobics classes. And others go out and buy expensive exercise equipment. These things may very well be effective, but if you want to lose weight, you really don't need anything more than your two feet. Running is one of ...

My Grocery list revealed
My grocery list has change through the years of my training. I went from eating and drinking everything. The way I figured, as long as I hit the gym it didn't much matter, I'm talking all the goodies, big macs, bacon double whopper with cheese, a pint of ice cream with chocolate chips, potato chips with dip and a cold six pack of beer. That was a regular week for me. That was then and this is now. I'm now almost 100% vegetarian, except for egg whites and salmon. I gave up all the red meat , dairy, pork, and my beloved chicken. This transition ...

My Super Green protein smoothie
In today's post I'm going to give up one of my secrets to great physical health and stamina. like my motto reads, nutrition equals fitness. I will begin with my very own green protein smoothie. This smoothie will have everything you need for pre and post workouts with both energy and recovery contents. Okay, now for the ingredients. * Two to three tablespoons of organic Hemp protein * Two tablespoons of Brown rice protein * One tablespoon of organic Wheat grass powder * One teaspoon of Chlorella * One scoop(15g)of Chia seed * Maca(500g capsule) * One tablespoon of Flax seed oil * One medium to large Banana * Three to four strawberries * Two dozen ...

Brown Rice
If you're like me then you probably ate plenty of rice growing up and chances are it wasn't whole grain brown rice. I really can't remember ever having it... I mean I think I would remember but what I do remember is plenty of white rice and yellow rice. Both are process from natural brown rice, but once the rice has been process it loses almost all of its precious nutrition value. Brown rice is known for its high fiber content. which helps keep digested track running well. Brown rice has been proving to lower cholesterol and prevent many different cancers, including heart disease. Researches discovered in ...

Meal Zone

Turmeric is one of my favorite superfoods and may be the strongest antioxidant found...

Snack on a small handful of Almonds, contains 160 calories and is a good source of...

Imagine taking a magic pill to slow down aging, well that what these scientist believe...
The Gym Chronicles

Hey fitness friends. I recently purchase a health and fitness content package which...

There are many types of exercise that we can do how ever when ever and where ever....
Fitness Tips & Videos

You’re never to old to pump iron. Jim Morris is living proof, that if you train consistently you will always be fit. The man trains six days a week and eats a diet of nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables. Read More →

Check out Natalie’s top 10 worst foods, she listed soda as number one. I think I would of went with process meat or dairy, but all these foods are no good for you and the order really doesn’t matter. Read More →

Hey Fitness friends, I’ve been kinda lazy with my training so far this month. So today I decided to google bodybuilding videos and see what came up. Needless to say google returned thousands of video, but the one that stood out was a 4 minute video, that included all the greats, past and present. The Arnold voice over really had me hype up... [Read more of this review]